Mayor Rawlings-Blake and Baltimore Housing Remove Blight in Park Heights and makes room for The CC Jackson Park Athletic Fields

Crest of the City of Baltimore

Brandon M. Scott
Baltimore City
250 City Hall - Baltimore Maryland 21202
(410) 396-3835 - Fax: (410) 576-9425



“Vacants to Value” furthers the City’s Commitment to the Park Heights Master Plan

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Baltimore Housing Deputy Commissioner Michael Braverman and community leaders led the way for demolitions in the blight distressed Park Heights community. The city began demolition of 41 blighted properties on the 4900 block of Denmore Avenue under the City’s “Vacants to Value” initiative. This demolition will pave the way for the new CC Jackson Park Athletic Fields. The playing field, and ultimately a 7-acre park, will make Park Heights one of the greenest and healthiest communities in the City.

“We are honored that the Ripken Foundation chose Park Heights as a home for its athletic field,” said Mayor Rawlings-Blake. “It’s investments like this that ensure the hard work being done in this community will not be in vain.”

The Ripken Foundation chose the Park Heights community as one of its national youth development parks and raised $1.1 million dollars, along with the City’s contribution of $1.2 million, for its development.

Ongoing demolition in the 62 acre Major Redevelopment Area, which is roughly bounded by Garrison, Delaware, Pimlico, and Reisterstown Road, is being coupled with acquisition of properties and relocation of residents.

“I’m excited about the progress we’re making in Park Heights,” said Baltimore Housing Commissioner Graziano. “We are well on our way to changing the direction of this distressed neighborhood and creating new opportunities for its residents.”

The State of Maryland provided Baltimore City with a $1.5 million State Capital Grant for demolition and a $3.0 million Capital Grant for acquisition of 63 properties and demolition of 46 properties. The relocation of 13 households is being funded through the proceeds of Fiscal Year 12 Video Lottery Terminal (slots) revenues.

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